Sex Crimes Attorneys in Colorado Springs
Sex crimes in Colorado carry some of the harshest sentences of all crimes, which is why it’s extremely important to be represented by a criminal law attorney who is knowledgeable and skilled in defending those charged with sex crimes. The Colorado Springs sexual assault attorneys at Aviso Law have spent years improving their skills and will work tirelessly to obtain the best result for your situation.
Not only can a conviction mean the possibility of a defendant spending the rest of their life in jail, a conviction also can come with lengthy sex-offender specific probation as well as sex offender registration. Given the graphic nature of sexual assault allegations and the nationwide push for prosecutors to become tough on sexual assault, it is important for those charged with sex crimes to be represented by a team of lawyers that have experience defending against sexual assault allegations. At Aviso Law, our criminal law attorneys have successfully represented numerous clients and developed an offensive strategy to fight sexual assault allegations on multiple fronts. From utilizing teams of investigators and experts to aggressively litigating the case on multiple fronts, the sexual assault lawyers at Aviso Law offer clients world-class representation.
Sexual Assault
There are a number of different types of sexual assault in Colorado. These can range from class 2 to class 4 felonies. While sexual assault can include forcing another person to engage in a sexual act, it can also include sexual acts where the alleged victim was too intoxicated to give consent, intercourse obtained through threats, and intercourse after the alleged victim was made incapable of giving consent due to being given drugs or other substances.
Regardless of how the alleged sexual assault occurred, many types of sexual assaults carry an indeterminate sentence. This means that if the defendant is convicted, the judge will give the defendant a sentence but the Colorado Department of Corrections will ultimately decide when and if the defendant is ever released from prison. Because of very high standards, only a few individuals have ever been released after being given an indeterminate sentence. The stakes are high when being prosecuted for a sex crime, and it is important to be represented a top-quality legal team.
We at Aviso Law seek to provide clients with the best legal representation in Colorado. Utilizing our experience on some of the nation’s most difficult and high profile cases, our lawyers will work with you to develop an individual strategy. Whether that strategy involves taking the case to trial, working with district attorneys to reach a plea deal or conducting a thorough investigation to disprove the allegations, we can offer clients unmatched representation.
Sexual Assault on a Child
Sexual assault on a child can occur when there is a sexual act between a minor under the age of fifteen and another person that is four years older than the minor. If the defendant is a parent or in a position of trust or responsibility, the defendant can also be charged with Sexual Assault by a Person in a Position of Trust. Typically sexual assault on a child is charged as a class 4 felony; however, under certain circumstances, such as when accompanied by force, threats or done by a person in the position of trust, it can also be a class 3 felony.
Like the crime of sexual assault, sexual assault on a child can carry an indeterminate sentence, meaning that a convicted defendant could spend the rest of their life in prison.
Because the crime of sexual assault on a child involves children, there are often unique issues that require representation by attorneys with experience specific to child sex assault cases. These issues can include a child’s memory, a child’s understanding of what it means to tell the truth, family dynamics and adolescent psychology. Child sexual assault cases also require attorneys with experience conducting courtroom examination of child testimony.
At Aviso Law we have successfully litigated some of Colorado’s highest profile and most complex child sexual assault cases. With years of experience and the ability to navigate complex issues, our attorneys provide clients with aggressive and individually tailored representation.
Unlawful Sexual Contact
Compared to Sexual Assault, Unlawful Sexual Contact can vary from a misdemeanor to a felony depending on the circumstances of the alleged offense. Unlike Sexual Assault, there does not need to be intercourse in order for an act to be considered Unlawful Sexual Contact. Oftentimes, touching or even viewing can be considered a crime under this statute.
Generally misdemeanor Unlawful Sexual Contact occurs when:
- There is sexual contact or touching of the genitals and alleged victim
- doesn’t consent or is incapable of consenting,
- When a child is coerced to exposing their genitals,
- When a person photographs another person’s genitals without consent,
- Or when the alleged victim is the care of a hospital or institution.
Unlawful Sexual Contact can be increased to a felony if the alleged offense is accomplished by use of force, intimidation or threats.
Similar to any other sex offense, if a person is convicted of Unlawful Sexual Contact, the defendant may serve a significant jail sentence and will be required to register as a sex offender and undergo intensive sex offender probation. For this reason it is important for individuals accused of Unlawful Sexual Contact to be represented by attorneys who are experienced representing individuals who are charged with sex crimes.
Our attorneys have years of experience successfully representing individuals charged with Unlawful Sexual Contact. With the skill and resources to defend against allegations of Unlawful Sexual Contact, the team at Aviso will work with you to develop a strategy geared towards achieving the best possible outcome.
Prostitution and Solicitation
Solicitation and prostitution occur when money or things of value are exchanged for sex-related services. While both prostitution and solicitation are generally considered class 3 misdemeanors, which are the lowest level misdemeanor in Colorado, being charged or convicted with prostitution or solicitation can be publicly embarrassing and have a negative effect on a person’s work and other relationships.
Though defendants charged with prostitution or solicitation are usually caught in the act, this doesn’t mean that they have no defenses. With a skilled attorney, such as those at Aviso Law, defenses such as entrapment and unlawful search and seizure can often be used to successfully defend against Prostitution and Solicitation charges. Whether the right defense strategy is to take the case to trial or to reach a quick and discrete resolution of the case, our attorneys at Aviso Law offer you expert representation.
A person commits incest in Colorado if they have sexual contact with a family relative. Relatives include blood relatives, siblings, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, and adopted children. While incest is typically a class 4 felony, aggravated incest is a class 3 felony. Aggravated incest is when a parent marries their natural child or when sexual contact or penetration occurs between a parent and child or stepchild.
Like other sex crimes, incest and aggravated incest can result in lengthy prison sentences if a defendant is convicted at trial. Because incest is frequently charged along with other offenses, defendants often face spending the rest of their life in prison or, at best, a lifetime sex-offender registration requirement. If released from prison, defendants will often be required to participate in the very restrictive Colorado Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation (SOISP).
Because of these severe penalties, it is important that those charged with incest retain experienced attorneys who are not only able to represent them at trial, but who can also seek a successful pre-trial resolution such as the dismissal of charges or a generous plea-offer. The lawyers at Aviso Law have represented individuals charged with incest throughout the state of Colorado. With their years of experience and their ability to handle the most complex and difficult cases, the attorneys at Aviso Law seek to offer clients top-quality representation.
Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
Failing to register as a sex offender can be either a class 6 felony or a class 1 misdemeanor, depending on the classification of the original sex offense. Regardless of whether failing to register as a sex offender is a felony or misdemeanor, it can often have a huge impact on an existing plea deal, which could be how the original sex offense was resolved. Because of this, failing to register as a sex offender can often result in significantly increased probation requirements and even jail.
Due to these severe penalties and the complexities of litigating a violated plea deal, it is important for those being charged to be represented by lawyers experienced with this type of situation, such as attorneys at Aviso Law. With experience representing clients charged with a wide variety of sex crimes, the lawyers at Aviso Law can help clients charged with failing to register as a sex offender successfully navigate the legal process.
Call (719) 356-5552 or contact us online to discuss your case with our legal team.

Why Choose Aviso Law?
Every attorney will tell you they put their clients first. That is true for Aviso Law but it’s how we go about it that sets up apart. We understand the difference between being prepared and aggressive in courtrooms, while being understanding and pragmatic in client meetings. We believe in being realistic as well as easy to work with through all the phases of your case, both in and out of court; this saves you money and time while still receiving the service you deserve with the goal of achieving desired results.
To us, success isn’t measured by the years we’ve spent behind a desk but by the careers we’ve built, the contacts we’ve made, and the thousands of clients we’ve served to protect jobs, families, education, and reputations. We developed our careers in Colorado’s military and civil courts, successfully defending clients from all walks of life. We come highly rated by our clients and have received professional recognition for our work.
We’re not your typical law firm. We don’t wear fancy suits (unless we have to in court) and we don’t hide behind big imposing desks. Reflective on our military roots, we strive to serve. We understand the legal process can be threatening and worrisome, which is why we work with our clients to get results. We aim to be respectful, diligent, and cost-effective while practicing the highest standards of legal representation.